
Greenwashing or Getting in Trouble While Trying to Do Good with Jonathan Armstrong

Jonathan Armstrong has been looking at ESG from a unique angle for quite some time. In this episode of the ESG Report, he and Tom Fox are taking a look at greenwashing, and how trying to do good can end badly.  

The Issue of Greenwashing 
One area where people can do wrong by trying to do good is combining the energy crisis with ESG. Corporations attempt to get with the ESG program by talking about carbon neutrality or the use of renewable power, but many have gone beyond simply saying ‘We are carbon neutral!’ to sound more like ‘We’re doing what’s best for the planet!’ Making these claims potentially subject your company to fair trading law across Europe, and can lead to fines or even prison in extreme cases, if the statement cannot be backed up. 
The Dark Side 
The production of solar panels, wind turbines, and biofuels are associated with a number of issues, including forced labor, armed conflict, corruption, ecosystem destruction, and allegations of fraud and money laundering. Jonathan discusses all of these, making it clear that, “We shouldn’t necessarily assume green is good.”
Responses of the EU & UK 
The biggest response has come from the UK parliament, which have had a specific inquiry into supply chains and proposals for new legislation, including a toughening of the UK Modern Slavery Act. Jonathan’s advice is to provide complete due diligence on who is selling the goods, and where they are coming from, to ensure a good ESG program. “A corporation does not have a good ESG program if one of its first acts is being prosecuted for abuses involved in alternative fuel source production,” he tells listeners.
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