
#NotMe – Leveraging Your Employees for More Effective Compliance with Andy Hinton and Ariel Weindling

Andy Hinton joined #NotMe as an advisor. He says that the move is “just a continuation of the mission that I had at Google and GE, which is to leverage the employee population to help organizations do better when it comes to risk detection, risk monitoring, and ultimately, risk management.” Ariel Weindling is the founder of #NotMe. His motivation was to try to solve the problem of misconduct, which he felt was being tackled very inefficiently. He says that he wanted his daughter to have a tool she could use to be safe in the workplace, so she would not be a victim or a witness of misconduct. Both men join Tom Fox on this week’s show for an interesting look at the #NotMe tool and how it helps organizations keep employees safe.

An Employee First Approach
Andy says that #NotMe has the right approach by putting employees first. He comments that it is “a tectonic shift” as other services are focused on the organization’s needs rather than serving and supporting employees. The goal of #NotMe is to change workplace culture and to make workplaces safe for everyone. Tom asks how they can implement that goal. Ariel responds, “We believe that safety is key in the workplace. Whether we are speaking about psychological safety or physical safety, they are key to an organization. They’re key to an employee because employees are not gonna do good work if they are not safe. Safety benefits all stakeholders of the company.” He goes on to explain that misconduct is really about an abuse of power, and shares the two ways #NotMe addresses this issue. “[We want] companies to stop looking at an employee report as a liability, but rather as an opportunity to listen, to discuss, to communicate, and to course-correct.”
A Robust Reporting System Enhances Profitability
Tom cites research that companies with a robust reporting system tend to be more profitable. Andy agrees and adds, “The ability to energize and engage employees to do a better job around risk identification, risk reporting, and risk management is truly a potentially tremendous asset for an organization… When it’s appropriately leveraged, it does make the organization better… [in] profitability and revenue generation.” Ariel describes the features of the #NotMe app as well as the dashboard. The difference between #NotMe and other tools, he says, is that #NotMe belongs to the employee so it preserves and maintains their anonymity throughout. Andy points out that using an independent tool like #NotMe is essentially leveraging your employee population to help you manage risk.”
Prevention Starts with Reporting
Preventing workplace misconduct starts with reporting. Tom comments that #NotMe can provide continuous information that would help an organization continuously improve its compliance program. Andy adds, “#NotMe is an easy way to do that. By deploying it, promoting it you express to your employees that you are taking these issues seriously, and you’re doing fundamental concrete things to address them.”
Andy Hinton on LinkedIn

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