
Structured Content Strategies with One Stone Creative

Megan Dougherty and Audra Casino have been working with Tom, producing the Innovation in Compliance Podcast for a little over a year now. They’re the co-founders of One Stone Creative, a company offering a variety of services to podcasters – ranging from production, to blog posting, to publishing – and more. Today, they are on the other side of the mic, as Tom’s guests. How did the company start? Megan and Audra introduce One Stone Creative.

More About The Company
Founded just about two years ago, the former colleagues at a Marketing company decided to launch a video production company together. With Audra’s background in commercial radio and Megan in marketing, they ended up finding a great niche in business podcasting!
The Benefits of Offering Consultation to Young Companies
How do consulting services work and how do help a company?
Megan explains how their role is to help the company determine what goals are they trying to achieve, what media type would be best to reach their audience – there’s no one size fits all in multimedia. Audra adds that One Stone Creative helps companies by finding a process and a structure that works for them, leveling up their multimedia – ensuring that not only do their videos look great but that the audio sounds great, too.
Getting Through to An Audience
Tom mentions one of the biggest challenges a company can face: the struggle of getting their message through to their audience. How do our guests come in for the save? Megan talks about how starting a multimedia project with a specific business goal in mind makes the creation, and the promotion much easier.  This is where One Stone Creative steps in and becomes “the brain” – adding structure to the creative process. She explains how having a structure can actually help creativity, narrowing and pinpointing exactly what it is they are looking for rather than being overly vague in their research and, in doing so, not reaching out to anybody in the end.
Lights, Camera…Podcast!
Audra walks us through the process of how she and Megan can take a raw audio format and make it blossom into a whole mediatic world – shownotes, written materials, videos, images and more. Being an artist at heart, it comes intuitively to her as to what content should sound like, what the music should sound like, while Megan has a flowing way with words. Both combined, complement one another.
Types of projects and clients
Megan explains how they enjoy strategizing with companies, video branding and even offering training on audio capture to create their own media. How does the future of One Stone Creative sound? Promising! Megan shares how one of their projects is to create a Podcast book program that would, in a nutshell, allow experts to generate a year’s worth of podcast content and turn it into a podcast book for their audience.
The Authority Building Content Podcast

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