No Child Left Behind with Kody Kumfer

Kody Kumfer is the Associate Executive Director of Forgotten Children Worldwide. Forgotten Children is an organization dedicated to helping children in vulnerable situations across the world. Kody joins host Gwen Hassan to discuss how Forgotten Children is funding education and working with indigenous leaders to create positive change.



Forgotten Children partners with native leaders, most often religious and business leaders, who are passionate about orphan care. They have built homes and farming operations in various countries to support vulnerable children. The organization is focused on preventing children from falling prey to human trafficking, as well as improving their conditions.


Currently, Forgotten Children is working in India to bring young girls out of the Devadasi system, which is a practice that, in modern times, pushes them into prostitution. It’s a hereditary role that is often passed on from grandmother to mother, to daughter. 



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Forgotten Children


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