Aly McDevitt on Ransomware Case Study, Part 2

Welcome to the Greetings and Felicitations, a podcast where I explore topics which might not seem to be directly related to compliance but clearly influence our profession. In this episode, we conclude a two-part series with Aly McDevitt, Data & Research Journalist at Compliance Week. We take a deep dive into her recent series case study on a ransomware attack on a fictional company. Highlights include:

·      Who are hackers? What is a cyber incident response playbook and how does each person handle their roles in the event of a ransomware attack?
·      How and when should stakeholders be notified? Who and what type of notification should be made?
·      What goes into the decision to pay? What are the pros and cons of each path?
·      What are some key lessons for companies from the story?
·      A hint of what Aly may have in store for future articles and series.
Ransomware case study in Compliance Week
Aly McDevitt

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