Audrey Harris-Move to Affiliated Monitors

The Compliance Life details the journey to and in the role of a Chief Compliance Officer. How does one come to sit in the CCO chair? What are some of the skills a CCO needs to success navigate the compliance waters in any company? What are some of the top challenges CCOs have faced and how did they meet them? These questions and many others will be explored in this new podcast series. Over four episodes each month on The Compliance Life, I visit with one current or former CCO to explore their journey to the CCO chair. This month, my guest is Audrey Harris, who handled FCPA cases prior the explosion of FCPA enforcement actions in the early 2000’s, sat in the CCO Chair, led compliance program work back in private practice and now is Managing Director for Global Anti-corruption, Compliance, Ethics & Non-Financial Risk at Affiliated Monitors Inc.

In this concluding episode, Audrey reflects on a key lesson which led her to join AMI. It is that an external monitor can be  a Value-Add proposition for all-sides, Company Business, Company Compliance, External Counsel, Enforcement/Regulators and other Stakeholders. It is not a second investigation, nor should it be seen as a “gotcha”. Rather a monitor can present  a path that can protect stakeholder and grow business, especially in this time of heightened awareness to social license and reputational risk. Audrey concludes that she loves the concept of turning a challenge into an opportunity and working at AMI on a monitorship team provides that opportunity.


 Audrey Harris on LinkedIn

Audrey Harris on Affiliated Monitors, Inc.

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