Episode 230 – the $20,000 a Day Lawyer edition

As Rudy Giuliani charges the Trump Administration $20K a day for fantasy legal representation, Tom and Jay are back to look at top compliance articles and stories which caught their eye this week.

1.     OECD finds big success in US anti-corruption efforts. Menqgi Sun in the WSJ Risk and Compliance Journal. To read the full report, click here.

2.     Clawbacks in FCPA enforcement. Dick Cassin explores in the FCPA Blog.
3.     Investor protection at the PCAOB? J. Robert Brown in the NYU Compliance and Enforcement Blog.
4.     Can lawyers be CCOs? Only if you rewire your legal brain. Nicole Di Shino in Corporate Compliance Insights.
5.     Och-Ziff pays cheated investors (finally). Dylan Tokar in the WSJ Risk and Compliance Journal.
6.     The scrourge of human trafficking. Mike Volkov takes a 2-part look in Corruption Crime and Compliance. Part 1Part 2.
7.     Getting rid of corruption enablers. Rick Messick in GAB.
8.     Corporate governance under the Biden Adminisration. Michael Peregrine in the D&O Diary.
9.     Katie Smith is back with Part 3 of her four episode month on The Compliance Life. This week’s episode is knowing when its time to go.
10.  Interested in sports, the Boston Celtics or leadership. Check out my podcast with Compliance Week Editor in Chief, Dave Lefort with our reflections of Tommy Heinsohn.
11.  On the Compliance Podcast Network, on 31 Days to a More Effective Compliance Program, we into compliance in the 2020s and beyond.  Monday-innovation through KPIs; Tuesday-Compliance at the table; Wednesday– Consistency as a Compliance best practice; Thursday– creating an inventory of metrics; Friday– Leveraging AI in Complinace Investigations. Note 31 Days to a More Effective Compliance Program now has its own iTunes channel. If you want to binge out and listen to only these episodes, click here.
12.  Join K2 Integrity MD Anna Gumowska and Director Shannon Rainey as they discuss investigative due diligence to help uncover areas of risk and opportunity in the acquisition context. Webinar will be Wednesday, December 2 at 1600 GMT, 10 AM CT, 11 AM ET. Registration and details are available here.
Tom Fox is the Compliance Evangelist and can be reached at tfox@tfoxlaw.com. Jay Rosen is Mr. Monitor and can be reached at jrosen@affiliatedmonitors.com.

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