Episode 255 – the Cheater’s (near) Sweep edition

As the Astros (nearly) sweep the BoSox (in the Cheater’s Bowl), we enter the 6th month of 2021, Jay and Tom take a look at this week’s stories top compliance and ethics stories which caught their interest on This Week in FCPA in the Welcome to June edition.

  1. Compliance and goverance for NFTs. Ingrid Vasiliu-Feltes in XpertsLeague.
  2. Compliance risks in post-acquisition integration. Jennifer Fondrevay in the FCPA Blog.
  3. A collective response to ransomware attacks is needed. Jaclyn Jaeger reflects in Complinace Week. (sub req’d)
  4. Using stories to make your values stick. Brett Beasley in Notre Dame Delloite Center for Ethical Leadership.
  5. What is the cost of compliance? Thompson Reuters report, in CCI.
  6. Is AI up to AML work? Mayze Teitler explores in the Global Anti-Corruption Blog.
  7. Are echos of 2008 in the air? Mark Jensen and in Ian Roffman CCI.
  8. More charges still coming down from the Odebrecht case. Mike Volkov in Corruption, Crime and Compliance.
  9. Lessons for corp BODs from Exxon. Nell Minow the Havard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance.
  10. What is the status of your financial crimes compliance program? Frank Staelens in Risk and Compliance Platform Europe. 

Podcasts and Events

  1. Mikhail Reider-Gordon is back with a special two-part week on The Wirecard Saga. Check out the top podcast on Germany’s biggest financial scandal over the past 70 years. Listen to the ‘Know When to Hold ‘Em’ edition, Part 1& Part 2. On the Compliance Podcast Network.
  2. Compliance Man Returns with a New Season: True or False? Tom and emerging market compliance special Tim Khasanov-Batirov are back with a new 10-episode season. In Episode 2, they explore how whistleblowers are received in emerging markets. Can’t get out of your Ivory Tower, the check out Compliance Man to learn about compliance in emerging markets. The season’s episodes will post at 7AM each Friday over the next few months. Part 2 .
  3. Trekking Through Compliance Returns! Tom reviews all 79 episodes of Star Trek, the Original Series beginning June 1. Each day at 3 PM on the Compliance Podcast Network. This week included The Man Trap, Charlie X, Where No Man Has Gone Before, and The Naked Time.
  4. The Compliance Podcast Network premiers a new podcast, From the Editor’s Desk, with Dave Lefort, Editor in Chief of Compliance Week. In this Episode 1, we review some of the top stories from the CW 21 Conference, the top stories from CW in May and a special segment with Aly McDevitt, author of the CW special report on the VW monitorship. From the Editor’s Desk will appear on the first and last Friday of each month at 8 AM.
  5. Two great K2 Integrity events. On June 9, join K2 Integrity’s Lindsay Di Fede and Olivia Allison to hear about the benefits of taking a holistic and programmatic approach to preventing, detecting, responding to, and remediating insider threats. Learn more and register: https://www.k2integrity.com/en/events/insider-threats—taking-a-proactive-and-preventive-approach. On July 1, join K2 Integrity’s Snezana Gebauer and Darren Matthews will present a webinar on asset tracing at the IBA Global Influencer Forum. Learn more and register: https://www.k2integrity.com/en/events/k2-integrity-webinar-at-iba-global-influencer-forum-fraud-debt-and-judgements-how-to-maximize-asset
  6. Tom announces his latest book, The Compliance Handbook, 2nd edition is available for presale purchase. Use the code FOX25 and go hereThe Compliance Handbook 2ndedition will be available in both print and eBook editions.
  7. iliated Monitors, Inc.‘s Jesse Caplan hosts Troutman Pepper‘s partner Miranda Hooker and AMI’s James Anliot as they discuss the growing opportunities, the significant compliance risks, the available compliance guidance (and the limits to that guidance), and how to mitigate the potential for government investigations and enforcement actions. On today’s episode of “Integrity Through Compliance“!

Tom Fox is the Voice of Compliance and can be reached at tfox@tfoxlaw.com. Jay Rosen is Mr. Monitor and can be reached at jrosen@affiliatedmonitors.com.

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