Mike DeBernardis on Enforcement and Oversight in Q2-2021

In this Episode of the FCPA Compliance Report, I am joined by fan fav and now Hughes Hubbard & Reed partner Mike DeBernardis. We take a look back at some of the key enforcement actions and issues from Q2-2021.  Highlights of this podcast include:

  1. FCPA prosecutions. In the corp sphere, only one doesn’t really mean anything going forward.
  2. FCPA Individual Prosecutions. Is the Yates Memo finally leading to results?
  3. Anti-Trust. Will the focus on the large enforcement actions against Big Tech lead to an overall reduction or will the Division be going strong against all forms of anti-competitive behavior?
  4. FCA, Fraud in PPP and PPE. Where to you see this going?
  5. What about SEC enforcement actions? Will we see more in the areas of accounting fraud, SPACs, climate change and ESG areas?
  6. Do CCOs really need to worry about individual enforcement actions?
  7. What about environmental crime enforcement actions?

Mike DeBernardis on the HughesHubbard website
Mike DeBernardis on LinkedIn

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