12 O’Clock High, a podcast on business leadership: Ron Karr – Beyond Data: The 80/20 Rule of Decision Making

In this episode, I visit with Tom, who welcomes Ron Karr, a long-time thought leader in the art of leadership, persuasion, and influence. They take a deep dive into the science of influence and persuasion and help the compliance professional understand how they can use this science to move the compliance ball forward in an organization.

This script explores the belief that data is precious but accounts for only 80% of the decision-making process. The remaining 20% comes from an assessment of the individual’s current situation, mindset, energy, and skill sets. The importance of not solely relying on data is emphasized through a reference to the movie ‘A Beautiful Mind,’ where a Nobel Prize-winning professor suggests that math (or data) can solve 80% of problems, indicating the necessity of beyond-data factors in solving the remaining 20%.

Key Highlights:

  • The 80/20 Rule for Leadership
  • Purposeful Reflection for Effective Decision-Making
  • Neurochemical Impact on Influencing Others Successfully
  • Propelling Success through Adaptive Strategies
  • Empowering Personal Growth Through Story Rewriting
  • Enhancing Professional Success Through Peer Engagement
  • The Velocity Mindset: Achieving Success Through Networking


Ron Karr on LinkedIn



The Velocity Mindset

 Tom Fox






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