2 Gurus Talk Compliance – Episode 6 – The Risk of Distributors

What happens when two top compliance commentators get together? They talk compliance, of course. Join Tom Fox and Kristy Grant-Hart in their podcast, 2 Gurus Talk Compliance, as they dive into hot compliance topics. This episode covers the potential crisis with due diligence in China, highlights from the Compliance Week 2023 National Conference, and a recent fraud case. They also discuss strategies for managing distributor risk, stakeholder management, and the need for AI regulation. With its unique insights and engaging storytelling, this podcast is a must-listen for anyone in compliance. Take advantage of the latest episode of 2 Gurus Talk Compliance, and stay ahead of the curve!

Highlights Include:

·      Philips FCPA Enforcement Action and Distributor Risk Management

·      Stakeholder Strategy for Ethical Business Practices

·      Risks of Due Diligence in China for US Companies

·      Risks of Conducting Investigations in China

·      Quantitative skills, AI regulation, and challenges

·      Tech Hearings & Messaging Compliance Reform

·      The Problems with Ephemeral Messaging and Hot Desking

·      The Myth of Informal Office Collaboration

·      IRS Scam Calls and Sanctions Compliance


  1. Board governance and Strategy in a Changing Economic Landscape.
  2. How to Create a Stakeholder Strategy
  3. Messaging crackdown
  4. Corporate Crime and National Security
  5. Philips pays SEC $62 million to resolve China FCPA violations
  6. U.S. Companies in China Worry Due Diligence Will End in Spy Dramas
  7. OpenAI Founder Calls for the Global Regulation of Artificial Intelligence
  8. Why Employees Hate Hot-Desking
  9. Travis County cautions of ongoing jury duty fraud calls

Connect with Kristy Grant-Hart on LinkedIn

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