31 Days to a More Effective Compliance Program: Day 11 – Moving Compliance Tone Down Through an Organization

The 2023 ECCP made it clear that a company must have more than simply good ‘Tone-at-the-Top’; it must move down through the organization from senior management to middle management and into its lower ranks. It stated, “Beyond compliance structures, policies, and procedures, it is important for a company to create and foster a culture of ethics and compliance with the law at all levels of the company. The effectiveness of a compliance program requires a high-level commitment by company leadership to implement a culture of compliance from the middle and the top.”

Employees often look to their direct supervisor to determine what the tone of an organization is and will be going forward. Many employees of large, multi-national organizations may never have direct contact with the CEO or even senior management. By moving the values of compliance through an organization into the middle, you will be in a much better position to inculcate these values and operationalize compliance with them.

Three key takeaways:

1. Tone at the top—direct supervisors become the most important influence on people in the company

2. Give your middle managers a toolkit around compliance so they can fully operationalize compliance

3. Organizational justice is an additional way to help operationalize compliance

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