Welcome to a special podcast series on the Compliance Podcast Network, 31 Days to a More Effective Compliance Program. Over these 31 days of the series in January 2025, Tom Fox will post a key part of a best practices compliance program daily. By the end of January, you will have enough information to create, design, or enhance a compliance program. Each podcast will be short, at 6-8 minutes, and will include three key takeaways you can implement at little or no cost to help update your compliance program. I hope you will join us each day in January for this exploration of best practices in compliance.
In this episode, we review the importance of having well-crafted compliance policies and procedures as the foundation of a robust compliance program. As highlighted by the 2024 ECCP and 2020 FCPA Resource Guide, such policies and procedures are crucial for addressing and mitigating risks identified during a company’s risk assessment. Regulators emphasize having articulated anti-bribery and anti-corruption policies regularly reviewed and updated to reflect evolving risks. We discuss the five general elements of a compliance policy and underscore the need for consistent implementation to maintain the credibility and effectiveness of the compliance program. Key takeaways include the necessity of written policies, expectations from the DOJ and SEC, and the critical role of institutional fairness.
Key highlights:
- Importance of Compliance Policies
- Key Elements of Compliance Policies
- Assessment and Evolution of Policies
Listeners to this podcast can receive a 20% discount on The Compliance Handbook, 5th edition, by clicking here.