A Look Ahead — Perspectives on Compliance in Uncertain Times

Today, I post a recording of a recent webinar where I was a panelist on perspectives on compliance in uncertain times. The webinar was sponsored by Hanzo. The panelist included:

● Alexia J. Maas, Senior Vice President, General Counsel at Volvo Financial Services
● Ana-Paola (AP) Capaldo-Aoun, Director, Ethics & Compliance Officer, TechData
● Tom Fox, Compliance Evangelist, Founder Compliance Podcast Network
The highlights include:
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on how companies will do business. How has the the pandemic affected how we do business?  How has Covid-19 changed the way we interact and collaborate with one another?  What are the positive and negative impacts you see, especially from a compliance perspective.  What have we learned thus far, and what new challenges may well arise?
Compliance requirements going forward, what will be different and strategies for keeping up. This section includes regulatory and compliance expectations that are changing post-COVID19.  Are things getting easier, or more challenging?
How are employee expectations are evolving and thoughts on how companies may be responding.
Risk mitigation and why now is not the time to let up on compliance. In what ways organizations are responding and mitigating risks?  What happens when budgets are cut and how employees typically react to change?  How extreme hardship can drive inappropriate behaviors and what organizations should be thinking about to combat it.What risks associated with creating a “culture of override” and letting exceptions become the standards.
Best practices for compliance in a stay-at-home world both internally and externally. This discussion is of increasing risks and ideas for mitigating those risks, along with best practice recommendations. What is the importance of staying connected and how to avoid getting overwhelmed?  Now is the time for reviewing your compliance initiatives and the value of iteration and continuous improvement.  How can you take advantage of the opportunities the pandemic is creating, such as how employees seem more engaged and attentive to corporate communications.
For more information on Hanzo, click here.
For a White Paper jointly produced by Hanzo and myself on the 2020 Update to the Evaluation of Corporate Compliance Programs, click here.

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