Adventures in Compliance: The Abbey Grange

Today, I consider The Adventure of the Abbey Grange.

In the story The Adventure of the Abbey Grange, Holmes feels something is just not right about the story told by Lady Mary Brackenstall regarding the death of her step-father Sir Eustace Brackenstall. Holmes’ largest concern turns on the contents of three wine glasses, one of which contains beeswing and the other two do not. It turns out that Sir Eustace was killed by a companion of Lady Mary, which Holmes uncovers. However, Holmes has an adaptability for justice when the situation demands it, stating, “Once or twice in my career I feel that I have done more harm by my discovery of the criminal than ever he had done by his crime.” Satisfied the actions of the criminal and his accomplice (Lady Mary) were both warranted and just; Holmes does not report his findings to the local police. Klinger dryly noted, “his sympathies may have overridden his judgement: Many scholars believe that Holmes lets himself be fooled by a villainess clever than he credited.”
This story provide two key points for any best practices compliance program.

  1. Institutional Fairness through the Fair Process Doctrine, which mandates that the process itself is fair and impartial.
  2. Institutional Justice which means more than simply fair and equitable treatment; it requires employees concerns, once raised, be listened to and addressed, all without the fear of retaliation. Moreover there will be a consistency of both discipline and incentives.

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