Alejandra Montenegro Almonte

Welcome to the Great Women in Compliance Podcast, co-hosted by Lisa Fine and Mary Shirley.
Today’s guest is Alejandra Montenegro Almonte, a member of the law firm Miller Chevalier, who has built a practice where she has an international practice focusing on design and implementation of risk-based internal compliance programs and is also a monitor on behalf of a regulatory agency in Massachusetts.
Alejandra has returned to private practice after spending time at gategroup as the General Counsel for North American and LATAM. She talks about her experience of going from law firm to in-house, and she has had a unique experience in that she went back to a law firm.
Alejandra was born in Nicaragua and moved to New Orleans at age 4. She talks about how coming to the US at such a young age has influenced her career decision, her view on practicing law and the importance of hearing from diverse voices in all aspects of advising risk and compliance risks. She has had experience being the only woman in the room in LATAM, and all over the world and has insight into that as well.
We are so excited to have Alejandra as a guest during Latino Heritage Month.
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