All Things Investigations – Kevin Carroll on the DC Court of Appeals Immunity Argument

Welcome to the Hughes Hubbard Anti-Corruption & Internal Investigations Practice Group’s podcast All Things Investigations. In this podcast, I joined by HughesHubbardReed partner Kevin Carroll as we continue to review the various indictments against former President Trump. In this episode we look at the oral argument in the DC Court of Appeals immunity defense appeal.

Kevin Carroll, a professional in the field of investigation and law, brings his expertise to the podcast “All Things Investigation” with Tom Fox. Carroll’s perspective on the topic of Trump’s immunity claims and military officers’ constitutional oath is shaped by his deep understanding of the various Trump lawsuits and his military background. He believes that military officers have a strong commitment to upholding their constitutional oath, distinguishing them from oppressive organizations like the  SS or the Soviet KGB. Carroll also expresses concern about the potential harm caused by the irresponsible behavior of former President Trump and his lawyers. Join Tom Fox and Kevin Carroll on this episode of the All Things Investigation podcast for more insights into these topics.

Key Highlights

  • Trump’s Absolute Immunity Claims and Criticisms
  • The Significance of the Constitutional Oath
  • Ongoing Lawsuits and National Security Proceedings


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