Ask Us Anything

Welcome to the Great Women in Compliance Podcast, co-hosted by Lisa Fine and Mary Shirley.

The Great Women in Compliance podcast is back!  In this joint episode, Lisa and Mary kick off 2021 with an “ask us anything” episode where the questions were solicited from the GWIC Community.

Mary and Lisa discuss substantive issues including their opinions what may happen in 2021, including whether compliance enforcement will change in the US given the change in administration; how organizations may change their management and leadership in the E&C function, and the “new new normal” from COVID.

They also talk about their own goals for 2021 for professional development and growth, both in their full-time jobs and in learning and thought leadership.  As usual, they also laugh and discuss the lighter side of what the amazing compliance community does every day.

Lisa and Mary also note that they always appreciate feedback on the podcast, potential guests, and topics to discuss, and solicit any thoughts from listeners.

Have you heard that the Great Women in Compliance Book, Sending the Elevator down is now available in an electronic version?  Head to Amazon to get your copy today!

If you’ve already read the booked and liked it, will you help out other women to make the decision to leverage off the tips and advice given by rating the book and giving it a glowing review on Amazon?

As always we’re so grateful for all of your support and if you have any feedback or suggestions for our 2021 line up, or would just like to reach out and say hello, we always welcome hearing from our listeners.

Join the Great Women in Compliance community on LinkedIn here.

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