Brandon Daniels on Data Management and Data Security Moving out of Covid-19

Welcome to Exiger week on Compliance and Coronavirus. As the Voice of Compliance, I wanted to start a podcast which will help to bring both clarity and sanity to the compliance practitioner and compliance profession during this worldwide health and healthcare crisis. In this episode, I visit with Brandon Daniels is the President of Global Markets. A regulatory expert and technology practitioner, Daniels brings more than 15 years in senior management across the financial services, life sciences and energy sectors. He is a leader in technological innovation in regulatory investigations and compliance management. Some of the topics include:

  • How security and US national security will play a bigger role moving out of Covid-19.
  • What will be some of the biggest changes in 2021?
  • What will be the role of a CCO in this increased era of corporate security?
  • Why the management of data will be so critical going forward?
  • Why Supply Chain will be a critical area moving forward?

For more information, check out Exiger’s website here.

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