
Business Integrity Innovations: Inaugural Episode with Andrew Wilson

Business Integrity Innovations is brought to you by the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) and the Compliance Podcast Network (CPN). This podcast is inspired by Ethics 1st, a multi-stakeholder initiative led by CIPE that creates pathways for accountable and sustainable investment in Africa. Companies can use Ethics 1st to standardize their business practices, develop sound corporate governance systems, and demonstrate their commitment to compliance and business ethics.

Join Tom Fox, Lola Adekanye, and Michele Crymes as they explore local innovative compliance solutions for African businesses to gain access to and excel in global value chains. Now, to your hosts for this episode, Tom Fox and Lola Adekanye.

Tom and Lola introduce the first-ever episode of Business Integrity Innovations, sponsored by Ethics 1st. They discuss the importance of business ethics, compliance, and anti-corruption efforts, particularly in the African subcontinent. The episode features Andrew Wilson, Executive Director of the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE), who shares insights on CIPE’s mission, the evolution of anti-corruption initiatives, and the significance of collective action models like the Thailand Collective Action Against Corruption program. Wilson also discusses the Ethics 1st initiative and the tiered approach to fostering corporate governance and compliance. Tom and Lola emphasize the role of business leadership in driving ethical practices and the importance of recognizing companies’ efforts at various stages.

Key Highlights 

  • Andrew Wilson’s Journey and Insights on Anti-Corruption
  • The Role and Evolution of CIPE
  • Challenges and Strategies in Anti-Corruption Efforts
  • Collective Action and the Thai CAC Program
  • Ethics 1st: Learning from the Thai CAC Model



Ethics 1st

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