Class Diversity, Math and Fun in Oxford

Tune in every quarter to learn how David Simon, a 53-year-old lawyer from the US, navigates the ancient world of Oxford University in pursuit of an MBA. David is a Partner at the white shoe law firm Foley and Lardner, who has dedicated his career to white collar compliance with a heavy international focus. “My practice touches a lot on some of the sanctions and international trade issues that typically come up on international matters,” he says. In A Yank in Oxford, David and host Tom Fox will talk about what inspired his decision to pursue an Executive MBA, and his hopes for where the journey may lead.
In this Episode 2, David discusses beginning his academic journey in his first quarter in the Oxford MBA program. Highlights include:
1.         His classmates, exactly what he expected and one of the core value propositions of enterprise. The group is interesting, accomplished, diverse, engaged, and learning a ton from them.
2.          David found that he can still do math – sort of. He has completed his Analytics class, finding it tough, but useful to understand. He also discusses that he has already seen an improvement in his decision making. Cognitive bias that impacts our decision making. Lawyer decision making is particularly vulnerable to distortion via bias. Importance of slowing down, adding process. Inherently non-lawyerly. Poor team construction on legal matters. Ways to really improve it.
3.         He has been exposed to some different perspectives on corruption, interesting from non-lawyers in emerging markets.
4.         He concludes by detailing what he termed some “Fun Oxford stuff”; including the College system and experience at Keble, rowing on the Thames as a team building exercise, participating in a formal dinner at Balliol College, which he found like a scene from Harry Potter and concludes with some thoughts about an old guy living in a dorm.

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