One Month to a More Effective Compliance Program Through Innovation: Day 11 – Compliance Innovation Through KPIs

Measuring your compliance program’s effectiveness will be a critical criterion going forward. One of the mechanisms to do so is through Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). If you have been working towards your stated goals and reporting success, KPIs are critical in showing compliance program success or failure. And while specific requirements for this kind of reporting have been hotly debated in the industry for some time, KPIs are a regulatory requirement. Your KPIs will be specific and unique to your company and its business. Couple this with what goals you are trying to achieve as a whole as a compliance program, and you will see there is no set list of these metrics.

KPIs provide yet another mechanism for you to monitor and update your compliance program almost continuously. KPIs can be extremely low in cost and, therefore, something you can put in place without much approval from higher-ups in your organization that you might have to go to for budget approval. Finally, innovation can come in many ways. ComTech can be a huge jump forward. But sometimes innovation can occur at much less cost and a much more granular level. KPIs can be such a mechanism for you.

Three key takeaways:

  1. KPIs will be critical to assess a compliance program going forward.
  2. Set your KPIs.
  3. Decide on how to use KPIs and the blueprint for going forward.

For more information, check out The Compliance Handbook, 4th edition, here.

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