Compliance Man True Or False? ‘It is easy to investigate harassment cases’

Welcome to a new season of Compliance Man. This season is called True or False? In this series, I am joined by Tim Khasanov-Batirov, a compliance practitioner who focuses on compliance at international markets for over 20 years. Based on his work experience at six countries as in house compliance officer Tim now consults senior managers and compliance officers globally on complex ethics and compliance matters as partner and Head of Compliance practice for ETERNA LAW.   Tim is a co-founder of Compliance Club, an international community of practitioners. You can learn more about Tim, his Compliance Manillustrated series, a YouTube channel and request advice from him by clicking at Timur Khasanov-Batirov on Linked in.  Check out his profile on the ETERNA Law page here.
In each podcast, we will take on a different issue with Tim; a hot, very often a very provocative topic from the corporate’s real life agenda and find out if is it true or false. It will be a tough and very straightforward talks. We invite you to participate in these discussions by commenting each podcast and proposing topics for True or False series. The most active listeners will be invited to join us. Let’s have a sincere conversation!
Today, as promised we invited one of our active listeners to join us to discuss hot topics. We are Alexandra Zaytseva, LLM, EMBA, Compliance Officer at PEWETE Group, an energy company.
Today we will try to find if it is any easier now to investigate harassment cases. Highlights include:

  • Why things are very different now regarding harassment cases?
  • How has this made investigations bore more straight forward and more difficult?
  • Is blackmail a real threat to corporations?

Join us for the next episode of Compliance Man: True or False? episodeIf you disagree or wish to share your views on whistleblower topic please comment below. We will be glad to hear from you. Let’s have a sincere global conversation together.

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