Considerations When Hiring a Monitor

In this podcast, I am joined in this podcast series by Jay Rosen, the Vice President of Business Development and Monitoring Specialist at Affiliated Monitors, Inc. Today, we look at considerations when hiring a monitor.
Some of the highlights from this podcast include:

  1. Considering the type and style of the monitor in your selection process.
  2. What is the expertise of the monitor, not simply in the subject matter but concluding monitorships?
  3. Balancing the interests of the regulator, the company and other stakeholders.
  4. Making sure that the monitor is bringing value to the company.
  5. Why a Monitor must be independent and conflict-free.

I hope you will join us tomorrow for Part 5, where we discuss the issue of costs when retaining a monitor.
For additional reading see Jay Rosen’s article What Issues Should a Company Consider When Hiring a Corporate Monitor? on Corporate Compliance Insights.
For more information on Affiliated Monitors, Inc. visit their website here.

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