In this edition of Cordery Head to Head @ Home Cordery’s Jonathan Armstrong talks to Professor Eric Sinrod from his home in California.
It’s a look ahead at what 2021 might mean for the world of technology.
We recorded the film on 19 January 2021 – the last day of the Trump administration.
Listen to the episode now:
Eric & Jonathan try to predict 5 major TechLaw events or trends for 2021 covering issues in the US and in Europe. It is a subjective list in the style of Eric and Jonathan’s previous TechLaw10 predictions (here
They predict:
- Continued increases in cybercrime. Eric looks at the effects of the recent US Presidential Elections and the changing role of social media in elections. Jonathan looks at the trend of cybercriminals trained by hostile governments moving into the private sector and a rise in cybermercenaries. Jonathan also talks about the rise in cybercrime exploiting working from home during the pandemic. He also predicts a new
trend of ‘cybershorting’ with ransomware gangs using their tools and techniques to manipulate stock markets to their advantage.
- Eric talks about section 230 of the US Communications Decency Act and whether it can last in the new world of social media. Jonathan thinks the banning of Trump from social media will lead to a wider debate about online content and censorship.
- Jonathan looks at the challenges of regulating tech giants and the coming together of anti-trust/competition law, privacy and fair trade rules. He predicts that the size of bigtech operators will increasingly be a global political issue. He also predicts that these disputes will spill over into smaller tech players, including equipment manufacturers too. Eric talks about moves to split up bigtech operations (including Facebook) in the US.
- Eric looks at the challenges of going back to work after the pandemic. Will the world return to normal and what happens when people don’t feel its safe to return to the workplace? There is more detail on some of these considerations here
- Jonathan looks at a bumper year for GDPR in 2020 but predicts a stormy year for data transfer in 2021 with the challenges of the collapse of Privacy Shield, the issues with Standard Contractual Clauses and the issues brought about by Brexit. There are more materials on this here & here
You can listen to earlier TechLaw10 audio podcasts with Eric and Jonathan at
You can find out more about Eric here at Duane Morris LLP…
and more about Jonathan here…
You can view more Cordery Head to Head interviews here