Creativity and Compliance: Transforming Toxic Cultures

Where does creativity fit into compliance? In more places than you think. Problem-solving, accountability, communication, and connection—all require creativity. Join Tom Fox and Ronnie Feldman on Creativity and Compliance, part of the award-winning Compliance Podcast Network.

Ronnie’s company, Learnings and Entertainment, uses the entertainment platforms that people engage with in their everyday, non-work lives and applies them to important topics related to compliance and ethics. It’s not just about being funny; it’s about changing the tone of compliance communications and messaging to make compliance programs, policies, and resources more accessible. In this episode of Creativity and Compliance, hosts Tom Fox and Ronnie Feldman discuss the concept of nudges in compliance.

In this episode, Tom and Ronnie take a deep dive into the complexities of transforming a broken and toxic corporate culture, using Boeing’s recent challenges as a case study. Feldman addresses the pitfalls of traditional compliance training and emphasizes the need for fostering a supportive culture where employees feel psychologically safe and empowered to speak up. He highlights the importance of rebranding compliance departments to create a more positive and approachable image. They also stress the crucial role of leadership in driving cultural change and the value of authentic communication and creativity in compliance initiatives. The episode underscores the necessity of addressing cultural issues openly and authentically to build trust and facilitate meaningful change within organizations.

Key Highlights:

  • Addressing a Toxic Culture
  • The Importance of Authenticity
  • Starting from Scratch



  • Learnings & Entertainments (Website)
  • Compliance Confessions – inspired by “Mean Tweets” these 90-second commercials address misconceptions and excuses to promote speak up culture and the E&C team as positive and helpful.
  • E&C Training Jams – a soulful singer banters with ethics & compliance explaining policies, sharing examples and debunking excuses. 
  • Tales from the Hotline – Real speak up-themed stories about workplace behavior gone wrong.
  • Workplace Tonight Show! – E&C meets SNL Weekend Update explaining corporate risk topics and why employees should care.
  • 60-Second Communication & Awareness Shorts – A variety of short, customizable, music and multimedia, quick-hitter “commercials” promoting integrity, compliance, speaking up and the E&C team as helpful advisors and coaches.
  • Custom Live & Digital Programing – Custom creative programming that balances the seriousness of the subject matter with a more engaging delivery. After all, you can’t bore people into learning.







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