Crisis and Compliance in the Federal Marketplace During Coronavirus

The disruption brought about by the Coronavirus pandemic has ensured that the government contracting sector and organizations working on federally funded projects are no longer conducting business as usual. From an ethics and compliance perspective, organizations large and small, profit and not-for-profit, need to maintain a robust ethics and compliance program, but now it is within a starkly different environment. Government contractors, grant recipients, and others working on federally funded programs must understand and respond to changing compliance risks to maintain the adequacy and effectiveness of their policies and procedures.
In this webinar our panelists will discuss current challenges and practical responses to help organizations maintain the effectiveness of their ethics and compliance programs in the current crisis. They will also present a framework for an ethical decision-making process based on practical considerations and industry experience. Join Moderator, Rod Grandon, Managing Director, Government Services, at AMI and Panelists, Eric Feldman — Senior Vice President, Managing Director, Corporate Ethics & Compliance Programs at AMI, Dismas Locaria — Partner at Venable LLP and Thomas Topolski — Executive Vice President, Infrastructure Business Development at Parsons Corporation.

For more information on AMI check out their website, here.

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