Culture Crafters: Assessing Your Culture Through The Culture Audit™

It is always interesting to see the regulators catch up to the business world. That is what has happened around corporate culture. The Department of Justice is now assessing corporate culture for any company under investigation. Yet more than simply complying with this mandate, companies should strive to foster the best culture they can. The reason is deceptively simple: the better the culture, the better the company. But many business executives and even compliance professionals do not know how to craft a culture that allows your employees and, thereby, your organization to implement such strategies. How can you unlock the power of a thriving workplace culture?

In this podcast series, Sam Silverstein, the most trusted voice in America on accountability  and Tom Fox, the Voice of Compliance, look at the ways companies can elevate their culture to new heights.  In this inaugural episode, they discuss how to assess your culture through the Culture Audit™.

The concept of a culture audit is a transformative tool that assesses an organization’s critical areas such as ethics, engagement, accountability, and diversity, offering valuable insights for improvement and fostering a high-performance work culture.

Tom posits that the culture audit not only measures these critical areas but also guides action plans for improvement, emphasizing continual assessment and prioritization of key cultural drivers for genuine change.

Similarly, Sam Silverstein underscores the necessity of conducting a culture audit to discern an organization’s cultural strengths and weaknesses. He asserts that culture directly affects an organization’s bottom line, citing instances where cultural improvements have significantly boosted performance, profits, and employee retention. For Silverstein, a comprehensive culture audit from the boardroom to the shop floor is fundamental for developing a positive and high-performing work environment.

Key Highlights:

  • Enhancing Organizational Culture for High Performance
  • Cultivating Accountability and Excellence for Success
  • Enhancing Workplace Culture through Detailed Assessment
  • Transparent and Traceable Culture Audit Findings
  • High-Performance Culture: Driving Financial Success


Sam Silverstein

Sam Silverstein on LinkedIn

Sam Silverstein

The Culture Audit™

Tom Fox






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