Tom’s guest in this episode of the ESG Report is Dan Frechtling of Boltive, a company that helps keep the Internet safe from invasive media and enforces data privacy. Data privacy and cybersecurity are ESG issues because they are significant drivers of business risk and a growing concern among investors and CEOs. The public costs of poor corporate cybersecurity management are increasingly viewed as market failures.
Dan is the CEO of Boltive. His career began as a marketer, and he has spent years learning the power of marketing. Having experienced a significant event that changed his perspective about hyper-targeting and information sharing, he transitioned to cybersecurity where he learned about data privacy issues.
Here are some key points Dan and Tom talk about:
- Dan talks about his professional journey and background and his role at Boltive.
- Dan defines invasive media and describes the protection his company provides against it.
- Dale explains how Boltive’s solution for invasive media protects the audience from malware, redirects, and other malicious behaviors, by replacing them with revenue-generating ads.
- Compliance with terms of service and user experience is key in order for these solutions to work, Dan tells Tom.
- In cybersecurity, the intermediaries and third parties are often creating noncompliant and bad user experiences. Boltive solves this by creating a synthetic user experience so each step is recorded and traceable to see what went wrong.
- Knowing and identifying if your inventory is sensitive and understanding the flow of data makes complying with ever-changing privacy regulations easier.
- Dan explains why the digital ad ecosystem is so convoluted and the potentially harmful effects on customers.
- Dane highlights some of the compliance issues with online marketing.
- GDPR is the gold standard when it comes to privacy and data protection, but state laws should also be followed when they are more stringent than GDPR.
“Invasive advertising can really be many different forms and we see our role to protect brands and publishers and technology platforms so those ads don’t get inadvertently served, because the world of programmatic advertising is very lawless and algorithm-driven.” – Dan Frechtling