David McLaughlin on Automation as a Compliance Response to Covid-19

Welcome to the newest addition to the Compliance Podcast Network, Compliance and Coronavirus. In this episode, I am joined by David McLaughlin, the founder of QuantaVerse. McLaughlin’s business leadership philosophy and results-oriented approach were honed over the course of both his military and corporate careers. He spent six years as a naval officer, starting in 1986 as an Ensign in the U.S. Navy and attending flight school in Pensacola, FL. A graduate of the highly regarded TOPGUN program, McLaughlin also completed a combat tour in the Persian Gulf, where he was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross and two Air Medals for bravery in combat. Prior to founding QuantaVerse, McLaughlin held senior executive positions with IPR International, NES Financial, and SEI. He graduated from West Virginia University and received a master’s degree from Webster University.
In this episode, we consider some of the top questions QuantaVerse is hearing its clients;  some of the top challenges financial institutions are facing during the Coronavirus health Crisis; how the reporting obligations of financial institutions impacted by the Coronavirus health crisis and the types of solutions that a financial institution can bring to bear at this point in time. We conclude with a discussion of how a financial institution can automate industry best practices when conducting an investigation, through the QuantaVerse Alert Investigator for Financial Institutions.
For more information on QuantaVerse, check out their website here.
For information on the QuantaVerse Alert Investigator for Financial Institutions, click here.

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