Debra Sabitini Hennelly, Part 1: Psychological Safety, Burnout and Culture

Welcome to the Great Women in Compliance Podcast, co-hosted by Lisa Fine and Mary Shirley.
In Part 1 of a two-part series with Debra Sabitini Hennelly, we focus on three major themes of psychological safety, burnout and culture.  In Google studies, psychological safety has been the number one factor of successful teams.  It’s therefore important that we cultivate cultures with psychological safety as a critical part of our culture of integrity.  Environments of psychological safety are safe places where stakeholders know that they can share their views without fear or retribution – that it is a safe place to speak freely.  There also needs to be inclusiveness and a sense of belonging by members of the community and we discuss this in further detail in this episode.
Deb shares some thoughts on burnout and we emphasize that feelings of burnout do not just occur when you’re overworked and overtired.  Burnout can occur when you’re going through very traumatic situations at work or at home so we keep in mind the moral injury aspect of feelings that can be present sometimes with burnout, as well as the sheer exhaustion.
These topics naturally touch on culture as a critical aspect in terms of whether you are surrounded by psychological safety or burnout and we talk about culture from many different angles in this episode from how you can own and embrace it as a population to the recent brave move of Rio Tinto making their culture survey results public as an example of courage and accountability.
The Great Women in Compliance Podcast is on the Compliance Podcast Network with a selection of other Compliance related offerings to listen in to.  If you are enjoying this episode, please rate it on your preferred podcast player to help other likeminded Ethics and Compliance professionals find it.  You can also find the GWIC podcast on Corporate Compliance Insights where Lisa and Mary have a landing page with additional information about them and the story of the podcast.  Corporate Compliance Insights is a much-appreciated sponsor and supporter of GWIC, including affiliate organization CCI Press publishing the related book; “Sending the Elevator Back Down, What We’ve Learned from Great Women in Compliance” (CCI Press, 2020).
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