Doing a Good Job Won’t Stop You From Getting Fired

Yep, you read the title correctly. Performing an excellent audit, following all of the standards, and writing a great report won’t stop you from getting fired. In fact, sometimes that is what helps gets you fired. To learn more, and how to avoid those land mines, take a listen to this episode.
There is also some important information about the upcoming IIA International Conference from 7-10 July in Anaheim, California and how you can be featured on an upcoming podcast episode.

The cRisk Academy webinar referenced in this episode with Jason Mefford and Brian Ahearn on Influence is: Tuesday 7 June, 10am PDT, 1pm EDT:
If you can’t make it to the webinar, the recording will be available later at:
#internalauditpodcast #internalaudit #internalauditwebinar #chiefauditexecutive #influence #communication

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