Don Frazier on The Texas Center at Schreiner University

Welcome to the The Hill Country Podcast. The Texas Hill Country is one of the most beautiful places on earth. In this podcast, recent Hill Country resident Tom Fox visits with the people and organizations that make this the most unique areas of Texas. Join Tom as he explores the people, places and their activities of the Texas Hill Country. In this episode, I visit with Dr. Don Frazier, the Director of the Texas Center at Schreiner University. We talk about the Texas Center, its mission and take a deep dive into some Texas history. Some of the highlights include:

  1. What is the Texas Center? Why have a Texas Center?
  2. What is your role?
  3. How do you engage in educational outreach?
  4. What are some of the Texas Center’s current projects?
  5. What is your specific focus in the study and teaching of history at Schreiner?
  6. You were recently appointed the Governor’s 1836 Advisory Committee. What is the role of this Committee and what is your part?
  7. Your most recent book is Tempest Over Texas. What are some of the key highlights for the 1863-1864 Campaign in Texas?
  8. Why do you feel the role of the Texas Center is as much or more important than it has ever been?
  9. Why is it important that Texas history continue to be taught in Texas schools?

For more information on the Texas Center at Schreiner University, check out their website, here.

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