Content Karate Episode 004: The #1 Tip For Social Media Managers

Shannon Goodell is the Senior Social Media Manager at The Scalable Company and DigitalMarketer, where she works to drive brand awareness and generate engagement on social. A former 10th grade English teacher, Shannon has worked in the marketing field for the past eight years, implementing proven social strategies for startups and large companies alike. Shannon is a self-professed “crazy cat lady”, obsessing over her cat, Duncan. She also enjoys watching sports and the works of Stephen King.
Tune in as Shannon shares the secrets of being the best social media manager you could ever be. Get more great episodes over on Repurpose House, or watch the interview on YouTube!

What You’ll Learn

  • [2:07] Shannon shares her career journey — from being a 10th grade teacher, to falling in love with social media marketing, and eventually working for DigitalMarketer
  • [6:18] There’s a method to every marketing strategy, and Shannon says that they use a plethora of ways to share content on every unique social media channel.
  • [7:12]  “My philosophy is take that piece of content that whoever wrote it worked so hard on it, and it’s such such high value and repurpose it, break it into chunks that can be used for graphics, for videos, quote, images, tip graphics, we do all kinds of things”
  • [8:16] Shannon mentions that they tailor a blog post whenever they share a link to Facebook, mentioning that audiences behave differently per channel.
  • [9:20] The appeal of audio or video snippets on Instagram, and testing content piece to know which platforms work for them or not.
  • [16:56] Shannon shares how lead magnets are effective on their blog posts content.
  • [18:44] How to use LinkedIn for your marketing strategy
  • [20:54] “So number one thing, paid and organic need to work together. And I think paid and organic needs to be a part of your strategy.”
  • [22:14] Shannon mentions the value of balancing your content, and warns against being too promotional.
  • [24:01] The role of social media managers beyond posting and scheduling
  • [28:52] Shannon shares how Repurpose House helps her a lot with working — from saving time and diversifying content.
  • [30:42] Shannon lets us in on the vast array of tools and resources she uses to make the most out of her content.

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Resources Mentioned


Content Karate is a marketing show where we interview amazing people who use content and repurpose it in unique ways to drive traffic, leads, and revenue to their businesses. Powered by Repurpose House, our entire goal is to highlight content strategies that work really well for different brands. Each episode covers the ins and outs of how that business seriously crushes their content game – and how you can too. Let’s get to learnin’!


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