Content Karate Episode 005: 1 Thing Every Business Owner and/or Marketer Needs to Know

Ken ‘Spanky’ Moskowitz is a serial entrepreneur, life-long storyteller, proud dad of five kids, and an accidental pilot. He is the CEO and chief visionary in Ad Zombies, and founder and business coach at his latest project EntreGrow. His passion for ads started very early, making radio ads as a kid in his bedroom in New York City.
Tune in as Spanky shares the secrets to having great content strategy, and the advice he could give to business owners and marketers alike. Tune in as Ben shares his secrets to making content for social media, staying creative, and sharing knowledge to help people become the best version of themselves. Get more great episodes over on Repurpose House, or watch the interview on YouTube!

What You’ll Learn

  • [00:20] Ken ‘Spanky’ Moskowitz recounts how he started his passion for advertising from his childhood days and how it shaped his career.
  • [02:07] Spanky shares the vision behind Ad Zombies. What they do, and what they offer to their clients.
  • [03:29] Spanky explains the meaning behind Gary V’s motto: “Document, don’t create,” and how it helps his content.
  • [04:42] The importance of sharing your experience, whether good or bad, to help other people who might be in the same place as you were
  • [06:34] “People use social media as a tool to not only grow their business, but to vent and to have opinions.”
  • [07:34] Brand recognition and consistency that could help you dominate your own industry and foster authority and trust.
  • [10:37] How does Spanky implement “Document, don’t create” on his business? Simple: record everything.
  • [11:44] Repurposing content into different micro assets and using a scheduler for a more streamlined workflow.
  • [12:23] “You have to realize that people don’t see everything you put out there.”
  • [13:27] “Don’t hesitate. Don’t be afraid to put [your content] out there at scale.”
  • [16:20] The difference between going deep and going wide on social media
  • [17:54] Spanky shares how the new app, TikTok, works for his brand
  • [20:28] Using social media calendar to plan ahead and populate your content for months on end
  • [20:28] “Don’t be afraid to recycle your content on the platforms over and over again.”
  • [23:51] What’s Spanky’s advice on content strategy? “Don’t get in your head about when to post your content.”
  • [26:00] Since social media usage has changed dramatically, algorithms aren’t the be-all and end-all of content strategy. Just post and see what works for you and adapt from there.

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Content Karate is a marketing show where we interview amazing people who use content and repurpose it in unique ways to drive traffic, leads, and revenue to their businesses. Powered by Repurpose House, our entire goal is to highlight content strategies that work really well for different brands. Each episode covers the ins and outs of how that business seriously crushes their content game – and how you can too. Let’s get to learnin’!

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