Content Karate Episode 006: The Art of Repurposing Long Form Content to Drive Traffic to Your Business


Abbey Woodcock, founder of Freelance Co-Op, has been a direct response copywriter since 7th grade when she wrote a 30-page sales letter asking her crush to the dance. Since then, she’s converted better… writing sales pages and emails you’ve probably read from some of the biggest names online.
Now, she teaches the business side of creative freelancing including setting up systems to grow a freelancing business and building out an in-house content team that seamlessly “gets” your voice.
She’s also a chainsaw instructor and mom to 2 awesome kiddos in Upstate NY.
Tune in as Abbey shares her secret to managing a successful Facebook group and how she uses repurposing to make her long form content optimized for social media. Get more great episodes over on Repurpose House, or watch the interview on YouTube!

What You’ll Learn

  • [01:20] Abbey Woodcock talks about her business, Freelance Co-Op, what it does and how they help freelancers to manage the business side of their careers through webinars and interactive learning.
  • [02:29] What are the content marketing goals to grow Freelance Co-Op? Abbey shares the types of content she does strengthen her business.
  • [03:35] Freelance Co-Op’s content is focused on different types of long form content — PDFs, audio, webinars, etc. to help their community with efficient resources.
  • [04:04] Abbey shares her brand’s most successful piece of content and what she did to promote it.
  • [06:49] The importance of Facebook groups when it comes to building community and how to manage and how to keep it alive and interactive
  • [08:09] Abbey shares her secret to having an active and valuable Facebook group.
  • [10:00] How does Instagram help drive engagement and audience to Freelance Co-Op?
  • [11:07] Abbey mentions her different posting frequencies and strategy for all her social media channels.
  • [12:31] Abbey shares how promotional and content calendars help her marketing goals and how consistency helps with her strategy.
  • [14:38] Abbey walks us through some of her repurposed long form content and the benefits of making those long form pieces of content into smaller optimized ones.
  • [19:37] Marketing for herself is one of the biggest hurdles Abbey has encountered in her career. She shares how her high standards can be a challenge and how external help from somebody else can lessen her worries.
  • [22:29] “The most interesting thing for me is stuff that I don’t really love isn’t necessarily the stuff that gets the most engagement.”

Connect with Abbey

Resources Mentioned


Content Karate is a marketing show where we interview amazing people who use content and repurpose it in unique ways to drive traffic, leads, and revenue to their businesses. Powered by Repurpose House, our entire goal is to highlight content strategies that work really well for different brands. Each episode covers the ins and outs of how that business seriously crushes their content game – and how you can too. Let’s get to learnin’!

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