Trekking Through Compliance – Episode 12 – The Menagerie (Part Two)

In this episode of Trekking Through Compliance, we consider the episode The Menagerie (Part Two), which aired on November 24, 1966, Star Date 3012.4.

This was the original pilot episode presented to NBC. Spock’s trial continues, and the transmitted scene resumes with Pike in 2254 in a cell with a transparent wall. The Talosians begin their “experiment,” which consists of several illusory situations involving Pike and Vina. The Talosians hope that Pike and Vina will mate and find a race of slaves who will reclaim the war-damaged surface of the planet.

That night, Pike can capture the Keeper as he attempts to confiscate the weapons. The captured crew proceeds to the surface. Number One sets her phaser on overload, preferring to die rather than be enslaved. The aliens have found that humans’ “unique hatred of captivity” makes them unsuitable for the Talosians’ plans, which must be abandoned. The crew beams back to the Enterprise.

Back in 2267, the transmission ends as the Enterprise arrives at Talos IV. The court-martial was a ploy to buy time to bring Pike back to Talos IV, where, if willing, he could enjoy the illusion of everyday life. Pike is transported to the planet and rejuvenated Pike.

Compliance Takeaways:

  1. What happens with your counterparty refuses to comply with FCPA requirements?
  2. When the time comes, will you, as a CCO, speak truth to power?
  3. Sometimes failure and being left behind are options.

Excruciatingly Detailed Plot Summary by Eric W. Weisstein for The Menagerie (Part Two) Menagerie (Parts 1 & 2)

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