Episode 171 – the Jay Clayton Speaks (or not) edition

As SEC Chair Jay Clayton scolds the rest of the world for its lack of anti-corruption enforcement and does say why he wants to dump a PCAOB Member, Tom and Jay are back  to discuss some of this week’s top compliance and ethics stories which caught their collective eyes.

  1. SEC Chair scolds weak overseas anti-corruption enforcement. Dave Micheal reports in the WSJ Risk and Compliance Journal.
  2. Why does SEC Chairman want to get rid of PCAOB member, Kathleen Hamm? Francine McKenna explores in MarketWatch.
  3. Fair Pay to Play? California pass law allowing college athletes to be compensated. Michael McCann reports in com.
  4. Did the SFO put in a ‘self-certification’ requirement in its recent Guidance on Cooperation? Aziz Rahman says yes in the FCPA Blog.
  5. How can independent integrity monitors help to limit adverse consequences in health care? Jay concludes his series on monitors in the health care industry in CCI.
  6. NYU PCCE gets new Executive Director as Alycin Cooley joins the group. NYU Compliance and Enforcement Blog.
  7. How can you process personal employee data under GDPR? Laura Wright, Sarah Greenwood and Andrew Reeves opine in the FCPA Blog.
  8. What happens when employees ethical values are greater than those shown by their employer? Michael Toebee explores in an interesting post on CCI.
  9. One commentator suggests we hold back on international enforcement against bribe-takers. Anton Moiseeineko writes in theFCPA Blog.
  10. Tom continues his preview of the Converge19 speakers in a special bonus series of podcasts on the Compliance Podcast Network. Check out the following: Monday-Ricardo Pellafone and Ashley Lewis on Building Your Brand; Tuesday-Michael Williamson on moving to a values based culture; Wednesday-Mike Volkov on the Nuts and Bolts of Sanctions Compliance; Thursday-Nicole Pitts on Increasing Employee Engagement and Friday- Eric Feldman on the CCO’s role in performance management. The podcast is available on multiple sites: the FCPA Compliance Report, iTunes, JDSupra, Megaphone,YouTube,  Spotifyand theCompliance Podcast Network.
  11. The Everything Compliance gang will be doing its first live podcast at Converge19. You should be there! Listeners to this podcast can obtain a complimentary ticket by using the promotion code foxvip, for registration and information, click here.

Tom Fox is the Compliance Evangelist and can be reached at tfox@tfoxlaw.com. Jay Rosen is Mr. Monitor and can be reached at jrosen@affiliatedmonitors.com. For more information on how an independent monitor can help improve your company’s ethics and compliance program, visit our sponsor Affiliated Monitors at www.affiliatedmonitors.com.

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