Episode 184 – the The Rise of Skywalker edition

Tom and Jay are awaiting their bookings to see the final installment in the 9-part series of the Star Wars saga. While waiting, they consider of this week’s top compliance and ethics stories which caught their collective eyes.
1.     Tim Leissner settles with the SEC. Dick Cassin. Tom takes a deep dive in the FCPA Ethics and Compliance blog.
2.     Aly McDevitt with two great articles on talks at CW Third Party Conference.
3.     Mexico getting serious about fighting corruption. Luis Dantón Martínez Corres in the FCPA Blog.
4.     Culture lessons from Coca Cola. Gary Patterson and Robert Baker in CCI.
5.     Jay looks at the expansion of the corporate integrity monitor, in CCI.
6.     Cyber enforcement and FTC expectations. Avi Gesser and Molly O’Malley Clarke in NYU’s Compliance and Enforcement blog.
7.     What is the intersection of corp oversight and disobidience? Elizabeth Pollman in the Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance.
8.     How and why should you manage your corp culture? Jim DeLoach in CCI.
9.     New DOJ Cooperation Policy on Trade Sanctions and Export Control. Matt Kelly in Radical Compliance.
10.  Insurance to protect you from populism? Liam Fitzpatrick on the D&O Diary.
11.  On the Compliance Podcast Network, Tom and Jay celebrate the opening of The Rise of Skywalker with a five part podcast series on the intersection of Star Wars (IV-VIII) and compliance. In Part 1, A New Hope and Risk; in Part 2, The Empire Strikes Back and Due Diligence; in Part 3, The Return of the Jedi and Effective Training; in Part 4, The Force Awakens and Disruption in Compliance and in Part 5, The Last Jedi and BOD Role in Succession.
Tom Fox is the Compliance Evangelist and can be reached at tfox@tfoxlaw.com. Jay Rosen is Mr. Monitor and can be reached at jrosen@affiliatedmonitors.com.
For more information on how an independent monitor can help improve your company’s ethics and compliance program, visit our sponsor Affiliated Monitors at www.affiliatedmonitors.com.

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