In this episode of The Ethics Experts, Nick welcomes Dr. Bettina Palazzo.
Bettina’s fascination with business ethics began in the early 90s, and once she realized how rich and exciting the field was, she never looked back. She suffered through the cumbersome but rewarding effort of getting her head around business ethics’ philosophical and economic foundations and won a prize for her PhD. Thesis and rode off into the sunset to join KPMG. There, she helped build their business ethics consulting services. Tough pioneer work at that time! In 2003, she started her own ethics advisory. Along the way, she’s learned that you can’t squeeze ethics into checklists and that unethical companies make for unhappy people.
Bettina received the “Compliance Influencer of the Year 2024” award from the International Compliance Association, recognizing her passion for turning ethics and compliance into something everyone wants to be a part of. Whether through her blog posts, LinkedIn, or online community—the Compliance Cappuccino Club—she brings fresh, relatable insights to the compliance community. Fun fact: she met her husband, Guido Palazzo, at a business ethics conference—proof that ethics is her love story!