Episode 204 – the Bad Ice Cream edition

In addition to not following President Trump’s advice to have having bleach for breakfast and UV light for lunch, we now add Blue Bell Ice Cream to the “No-Eat” list for their criminal behavior leading to three deaths from listeria.  Sad for this loss but determined to persevere,  self-distancing Tom and Jay are back to consider some of the top compliance articles and stories which caught their collective eye this week.

  1. Blue Bell Ice Cream pleads guilty to two misdemeanor counts of distributing adulterated ice cream products. Mike Volkov blogs and podcasts about it in on Corruption Crime and Compliance. Tom intones on the FCPA Compliance and Ethics Blog. Jon Rausch on Dipping Through Geometries. More from Tom on the former CEO and Chairman of the Board criminally indicted for lying about it. Tom further reports with a two-part blog on the Board’s corporate governance failures, Part-1 COIs and Part 2-Caremark failures.
  2. Rough sailing ahead for CCOs in cruise line industry. Matt Kelly weighs in on Radical Compliance. Tom and Matt take a deep dive in this week’s Compliance into the Weeds
  3. The SEC responds to criticism and ramps up its whistleblower awards. Dave Michaels reports in the WSJ.
  4. Moro resigns in Brazil, setting off a political crisis. Jessie Bullock In the Global Anti-corruption Blog.
  5. NY DFS files action against opioid mfg for insurance fraud. Lawyers from Paul Weiss in NYU’s Compliance and Enforcement blog.
  6. Lost in a sea of regulations? Kristy Grant-Hart explains how to navigate it in a guest post on Ethics and Compliance Matters.
  7. Another Caremark case survives in Delaware. Kevin LaCroix in the D&O Diary.
  8. Did US gov purchase from sanctioned entity? Geert Vermuelean in Risk and Compliance Platform Europe.
  9. Should it be decision-making instead of risk management? Norman Marks in Governance, Risk Management and Audit.
  10. Interested in moving to the CCO chair? Check in on this month’s edition of The Compliance Life where Tom visits with Ellen Hunt, CCO at AARP. In this Part 1, Hunt discusses the start of your journey. New episodes appear each Tuesday in May at 1 PM CST. The Compliance Life is now available on iTunes.
  11. Tom has a wide ranging discussion with Nick Gallow on Compliance Lines’ new podcast, The Ethics Experts. Available on the Complaince Podcast Network.
  12. On Compliance and Coronavirus this week: James Gellert on financial health of 3rd parties as a key DD inquiry; Ben Wolf on the new normal of doing business after Covid-19; Fry Wernick  on ephemeral messaging and video conferencing under the FCPA. Compliance and Coronavirus in sponsored by SAI Global.
  13. On the Compliance Podcast Network, Tom explores May’s topic of written standards; on 31 Days to a More Effective Compliance Program. This week’s offerings: Monday-Clearly articulated written standards; Tuesday-the Code of Conduct; Wednesday-Code of Conduct: Structure and Format; Thursday– Design of your Code of Conduct; Friday– Training on your Code of Conduct. Note 31 Days to a More Effective Compliance Program now has its own iTunes channel.

Tom Fox is the Compliance Evangelist and can be reached at tfox@tfoxlaw.com. Jay Rosen is Mr. Monitor and can be reached at jrosen@affiliatedmonitors.com.

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