Episode 215 – the Something’s Burning edition

As the Chinese Consulate burns papers after its closure, Tom and Jay brave the surge in Covid-19  cases by staying safe at home. They are back to look at top compliance articles and stories which caught their eye this week.

1.     More compliance guidance from OFAC. Dick Cassin reports in the FCPA Blog.

2.     First ComEd fined $200MM in Illinois, then Speaker of Ohio House charged in massive state corruption probes. Matt Kelly in Radical Compliance on Illinois. Julie Wernau and Katherine Blunt in WSJ on Ohio.

3.     Was Willie Nelson or Patsy Cline crazy? Bill Steinmann says it’s the FCPA year 2020 in the FCPA Blog.
4.     Mike Volkov goes Old Testament about Amazon OFAC sanctions. In Corruption Crime and Compliance.
5.     From 3 Lines of Defense to the 3 Lines Model as the IIA updates its model. Matt Kelly back with a rare double double for This Week in FCPA in Radical Compliance.
6.     Compliance really is a journey. Mary Shirley in CCI.
7.     How is Covid-19 impacting compliance? Jennifer Sun explores in CCI.
8.     The Ethical Revolution in Business. Philip Winterburn and Jane Mitchell in Converge.
9.     This month on The Compliance Life, I am joined by Scott Sullivan, Chief Integrity and Compliance Officer at Newport Mining. In Part 1, we discussed  the need for empathy in a CCO. In Part 2, we looked at reading the tea leaves and staying ahead of the (corp) wolf pack. This week in Part 3, we considered who a CCO needs on their compliance team.
10.  On the Compliance Podcast Network, Tom continues the topic of 3rd party risk management this month.This week saw the following offerings: Monday-the ROI of 3rd party compliance (Linda Justice as guest); Tuesday– 3rd parties as innovation partners (Eric Feldman as guest), Wednesday-3rd party risk expansion; Thursday-termination of 3rd parties; and Friday-distributor compensation. The month of July is being sponsored by Affiliated Monitors.  Note 31 Days to a More Effective Compliance Program now has its own iTunes channel. If you want to binge out and listen to only these episodes, click here.
11.  Great Upcoming Webinars:
K2 Intelligence Fin Webinar with AIBACP: Pandemics to Recession—Finding AML and ABC Synergies in Tough Times, July 30, 2020 at 1:30 PM – 2:30 PM EST; with JoAnn Taylor and Adam Frey. Registration and Information here.
ECI’s Best Practice Forum, a Q&A Session with Brian Rabbitt, Acting Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division on the FCPA Resource Guide, 2nd edition, Thursday, July 30, 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. EDT. Registration and Information here.
Tom Fox is the Compliance Evangelist and can be reached at tfox@tfoxlaw.com. Jay Rosen is Mr. Monitor and can be reached at jrosen@affiliatedmonitors.com.

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