Trekking Through Compliance – Episode 25 – Ethical Lessons from Devil in the Dark

In this episode of Trekking Through Compliance, we consider the compliance lessons from the episode ‘Devil in the Dark’, which occurred on Star Date 3196.1.

The Enterprise arrives at the pergium mining colony with an unknown creature that has killed 50 miners and engineers and destroyed equipment with a strong corrosive substance. Kirk and his security team search for the creature. Spock suspects it may be a silicon-based lifeform. They encounter the creature and fire upon it, breaking a piece of it off. The creature flees by burrowing through a rock wall. Spock adjusts his tricorder to scan for silicon-based life and confirms that the creature is the only lifeform for miles.

They find the creature, and Spock’s mind melds with it. The miners arrive and attempt to attack the creature. Kirk and Spock stop them, explaining that it only protected its eggs when it killed humans. Kirk convinces them that the Horta are peaceful and could collaborate by tunneling for the miners.

Kirk, Spock, and McCoy return to the Enterprise, prepare to leave orbit, and learn from Vanderberg that the eggs have hatched and that the new Horta have already uncovered rich veins of pergium and other valuable metals.


The Enterprise crew investigates murders on Janus VI and discovers the Horta, a misunderstood silicon-based life form. The episode offers valuable lessons for compliance professionals on promoting cross-cultural understanding, ethical considerations beyond humans, avoiding rushed judgments, fostering transparent communication, balancing objectives, and cultivating adaptability.

Key Highlights

  • Episode Overview
  • The Mysterious Sabotages and Murders
  • Investigating the Creature
  • The Horta’s True Nature Revealed
  • Fun Facts and Behind the Scenes
  • Ethical Lessons from Devil in the Dark


Excruciatingly Detailed Plot Summary by Eric W. Weisstein

Memory Alpha


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