Episode 257 – the More Cheating in Baseball edition

Jay is back from moving. He and Tom are shocked, shocked that there is another cheating scandal in baseball. While ruminating on just how shocked they are, they take a look at this week’s stories top compliance and ethics stories which caught their interest on This Week in FCPA in the More Cheating in Baseball edition.

  1. This year’s cheating scandal in baseball. Stephanie Apstein and Alex Prewitt in SI. David Waldstein in NYT. Buster Olny in com. Tom takes a deep dive in three blog posts on the FCPA Compliance and Ethics Blog.
  2. EU Prosecutor’s Office opens for business. Jon Rusch in Dipping Through Geometries.
  3. Exxon BOD vote should be a wake up call. Jaclyn Jaeger in Complinace Week. (sub req’d)
  4. Compliance when no one is watching. Julie DeMauro in the FCPA Blog.
  5. What are 5 things CCOs can do to comply with Biden’s Statement on Corruption? Al Barbarino in Law360.
  6. What do pirates teach us about leadership? Fransesca Gino in XpertsLeague.
  7. Should CCOs run ESG? Mike Volkov say ‘No’ in Corruption, Crime and Compliance.
  8. Is your Supply Chain ethical? Andrew Blasi and Nicolas Diamond in CCI.
  9. What are some reasons for the lack of FCPA enforcement? Harry Cassin speculates in the FCPA Blog.
  10. Get on one page for risk management. Sandar Erez in CCI.

Podcasts and Events

  1. CPN premiers a new podcast, The ESG Report. In the first episode, Tom has a two-part series featuring Trysha Daskem, head of ESG at Silver. Check out Part 1 and Part 2.
  2. How does history inform compliance? What are the leadership lessons from ancient Greeks and Romans? Find out in this special 10 part podcast series on famous Greeks and Romans from Plutarch’s Lives this week on 12 O’Clock High, a podcast on business leadership, hosted by Richard Lummis and Tom Fox. In Episode 1, they mined Plutarch about the lives of and leadership lessons from Themistocles and Camillus. In Episode 2, they looked at Solon and Popsicola.
  3. Trekking Through Compliance Returns! Tom reviews all 79 episodes of Star Trek, the Original Series beginning June 1. Each day at 3 PM on the Compliance Podcast Network. This week’s offerings included The Conscience of a King, Balance of Terror, Shore Leave, The Galileo Seven and The Squire of Gothos.
  4. Vin DiCianna turns the tables on Tom by interviewing him for this week’s Integrity Through Complaince. Check it out here.
  5. Join Convercent for a Converge Innovation Forum, with a look into the future of compliance on risk visibility up, down, and across the businesson June 23 at 11 AM CT. for information and registration click here.
  6. On July 1, join K2 Integrity’s Snezana Gebauer and Darren Matthews will present a webinar on asset tracing at the IBA Global Influencer Forum. Learn more and register: https://www.k2integrity.com/en/events/k2-integrity-webinar-at-iba-global-influencer-forum-fraud-debt-and-judgements-how-to-maximize-asset
  7. Tom announces his latest book, The Compliance Handbook, 2nd edition is available for presale purchase. Use the code FOX25 and go hereThe Compliance Handbook 2ndedition will be available in both print and eBook editions.

Tom Fox is the Voice of Compliance and can be reached at tfox@tfoxlaw.com. Jay Rosen is Mr. Monitor and can be reached at jrosen@affiliatedmonitors.com.

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