Trekking Through Compliance – Episode 42 – Ethical Lessons from Obsession

In this episode of Trekking Through Compliance, we consider the episode Obsession, which aired on December 15, 1967, with a Star Date of 3619.2.

Kirk notices a sweet, honey-like odor on a planet that he recognizes. He orders the security guards to scan for choronium and fire at any gaseous cloud. Before they can do so, 2 are killed and one seriously injured. Kirk becomes obsessed with the destruction of the creature, which killed half the crew of the U.S.S. Farragut, which was  Kirk’s first deep-space assignment.

Scanners report that the creature is in a border state between matter and energy. The creature slows and heads for the Enterprise, entering the ship through the number 2 impulse vent, which Scott had inadvertently left open after performing maintenance. The creature then leaves the ship and heads away at warp speed, but Kirk has a hunch about where the creature is headed; it’s a home planet, where it is destroyed.


In this episode,  Captain Kirk has become fixated on a gaseous creature that killed half his crew 11 years prior. Fox also discusses the updated visual effects in the remastered version and shares personal anecdotes. Furthermore, he extracts five key ethical lessons from the episode: promoting healthy coping mechanisms, establishing clear privacy policies, encouraging ethical reasoning, demonstrating accountability, and integrating ethics into strategic planning. These insights help organizations build trust, enhance reputation, and achieve sustainable growth.

Key Highlights

  • Kirk’s Personal Struggle and Pursuit
  • The Creature’s Attack on the Enterprise
  • The Final Confrontation on Tycho 4
  • Fun Fact: Favorite Star Trek Line
  • Remastered Star Trek: The Original Series
  • Ethical Lessons from Obsession


Excruciatingly Detailed Plot Summary by Eric W. Weisstein

Memory Alpha

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