Trekking Through Compliance – Episode 43 – Ethical Lessons from Wolf in the Fold

In this episode of Trekking Through Compliance, we consider the episode Wolf in the Fold, which aired on December 22, 1967, with a Star Date of 3614.9.

Scotty, Kirk, and McCoy beam down to Orgellius II for shore leave when Mr. Scott is accused of murder. His fingerprints are the only ones on the murder weapon, and he has a concussion and amnesia.

Mr. Scott claims that he felt the presence of a foul, cold, evil creature. A search of crime records shows the following pattern of unsolved mass murders: 1932 Shanghai, 1974 Kiev, 2105 Martian colony, and 2156 Heliopolis on Alpha Eridani 2. To avoid making the creature stronger by allowing him to feed off the crew’s fear, McCoy injects everyone with a tranquilizer. The creature returns to Hengist’s body. However, Hengist is quickly subdued and tranquilized, and Spock transports him into space with the widest possible separation. Kirk and Spock must wait 6 hours for the tranquilizer to wear off their extremely “happy” crew.


The episode revolves around Scotty being accused of murder while on shore leave on Orgalius II. The investigation reveals the presence of a malevolent entity capable of possession and murder. Tom Fox discusses five key ethical lessons from the episode: the presumption of innocence, objectivity, and impartiality in investigations, respecting cultural differences, the ethical use of emerging technologies, and accountability and responsibility. These lessons can help compliance professionals strengthen their programs and promote fair and impartial practices within organizations.

Key highlights

  • Episode Synopsis
  • Investigation and Revelations
  • Fun Facts and Behind the Scenes
  • Ethical Lessons for Compliance Professionals


Excruciatingly Detailed Plot Summary by Eric W. Weisstein

Memory Alpha

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