Episode 97-the ESG Edition

Welcome to the only roundtable podcast in compliance. The entire gang was also recently honored by W3 as a top talk show in podcasting. In this episode, we have the quartet of Jay Rosen, Jonathan Armstrong, Karen Woody and Matt Kelly. We conclude with our fan favorite Shout Outs and Rants.

1. Jay Rosen discusses the connection an ethics and compliance corporate culture survey and an ESG culture survey. Rosen also discusses what companies can do to improve overall ESG culture.  Rosen rants the Academy of Motion Picture snubbing of the Director of Dune for Best Director when the picture won 6 other Oscars.

2. Matt Kelly takes a deep dive into the SEC proposed rules on climate risk disclosure and their impact on the compliance profession.  Kelly shouts out to the Golden Raspberry Foundation, who award the ‘Razzie’s’ for withdrawing their previously created award of Worst Performance by Bruce Willis in a Bruce Willis movie after the actor retired due to Aphasia.

3. Jonathan Armstrong looks at greenwashing and how companies which are trying to do the right thing often get in trouble by doing it the wrong way. Armstrong shouts out to Tina Turner for advancing the cause of GDPR and explaining once and for all time ‘what’s love got to do with it.’

4. Karen Woody explains the SEC rule making process and how it can be challenged and responds to SEC Commissioner Peirce’s dissent to the proposed rules. Woody shouts out to the magic of Harry Potter World in Orlando have what she described as ‘awesome’ roller coaster rides, well worth the 3-hour wait in line.

5. Tom Fox rants Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for their incompetent response to Will Smith slapping Chris Rock at the Oscars and reminds us that workplace violence is never acceptable. 

The members of the Everything Compliance are:
•       Jay Rosen– Jay is Vice President, Business Development Corporate Monitoring at Affiliated Monitors. Rosen can be reached at JRosen@affiliatedmonitors.com
•       Karen Woody – One of the top academic experts on the SEC. Woody can be reached at kwoody@wlu.edu
•       Matt Kelly – Founder and CEO of Radical Compliance. Kelly can be reached at mkelly@radicalcompliance.com
•       Jonathan Armstrong –is our UK colleague, who is an experienced data privacy/data protection lawyer with Cordery in London. Armstrong can be reached at jonathan.armstrong@corderycompliance.com
•       Jonathan Marks is Partner, Firm Practice Leader – Global Forensic, Compliance & Integrity Services at Baker Tilly. Marks can be reached at jonathan.marks@bakertilly.com
The host and producer, ranter (and sometime panelist) of Everything Compliance is Tom Fox the Voice of Compliance. He can be reached at tfox@tfoxlaw.com. Everything Compliance is a part of the Compliance Podcast Network.

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