Everything Compliance – Episode 110: Shout Outs and Rants

Welcome to the only roundtable podcast in compliance as we celebrate our second century of shows. Everything Compliance has been honored by W3 as the top talk show in podcasting. In this episode, we have the quintet of Jay Rosen, Jonathan Armstrong, Jonathan Marks, Tom Fox, and Matt Kelly with our fan-fav Shout Outs and Rants section.

1. Matt Kelly rants about the Department of Justice CCO certification requirement for Danske Bank.

2. Jonathan Marks rants about the recent FAA failure, which crippled the US airline industry.

3. Tom Fox has his first dual shout-out. His first shout-out is to US District Judge Middleton for sanctioning Donald Trump and his lawyer, jointly and severally for $938,000 and the recently deceased musician David Crosby.

4. Jonathan Armstrong rants about the Tory proposed law against publicizing small boats that would make showing or even talking about the Bayeux Tapestry illegal.

5. Jay Rosen shouts out to the NFL for the playoffs and for getting us the best four teams in the final four.

The members of Everything Compliance are:

  • Jay Rosen– Jay is Vice President, Business Development Corporate Monitoring at Affiliated Monitors. Rosen can be reached at JRosen@affiliatedmonitors.com
  • Karen Woody – One of the top academic experts on the SEC. Woody can be reached at kwoody@wlu.edu
  • Matt Kelly – Founder and CEO of Radical Compliance. Kelly can be reached at mkelly@radicalcompliance.com
  • Jonathan Armstrong –is our UK colleague, who is an experienced data privacy/data protection lawyer with Cordery in London. Armstrong can be reached at armstrong@corderycompliance.com
  • Jonathan Marks is Partner, Firm Practice Leader – Global Forensic, Compliance & Integrity Services at Baker Tilly. Marks can be reached at marks@bakertilly.com

The host and producer, ranter (and sometimes panelist) of Everything Compliance is Tom Fox the Voice of Compliance. He can be reached at tfox@tfoxlaw.com. Everything Compliance is a part of the Compliance Podcast Network.

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