Everything Compliance-Episode 45, the Drinkin’ the Kool-Aid edition

Welcome to the only roundtable podcast in compliance. Today, in Episode 45 we celebrate our newest addition to the Everything Compliance gang; Sarah Hadden. Sarah is the Publisher at Corporate Compliance Insights, taking the helm from founder Maurice Gilbert earlier this year. She is a journalist by profession and has been working in the compliance space, largely at CCI for the past six years. She brings a wealth of talent, knowledge and perspective to our happy band of commentators and help us to ‘drink the Kool-Aid’.

  1. Sarah Hadden discusses experiential learning. She uses that as a basis to consider what is effective training and how interactive training can lead to a new level of not simply effectiveness but awareness to recency bias which can cloud decision making. Sarah shouts out to internet service providers everywhere who were able to make the Mueller report available as soon as it was released.
  1. Matt Kelly discusses best practices around disclosing reporting data and using interactive technologies to improve Codes of Conduct, compliance policies and procedures. Matt rants on former White House Ethics Counsel, Stefan Passantino who urged Mazars USA not to comply with a subpoena that House Oversight Committee issued for Trump’s financial documents. That is ethics for you in TrumpWorld.
  1. Jay Rosen talks about repositioning compliance as a business generator. He discusses companies which see compliance as a business advantage and details how they do so. Jay shouts out to former White House counsel Don McGahn for being a “real lawyer” because he takes notes.
  1. Tom Fox, sitting in on this episode, uses the top three FCPA settlements of 2019 (MTS, Cognizant and Fresenius) to illustrate how the FCPA Corporate Enforcement Policy, announced in 2017 is being used in practice. He compares the three different types of resolutions used by the Justice Department and what it might mean for compliance going forward. Tom rants about Charles Van Doren and the quiz show scandals from the late 1950s.

The members of the Everything Compliance panelist are:

  • Jay Rosen– Jay is Vice President, Business Development Corporate Monitoring at Affiliated Monitors. Rosen can be reached at JRosen@affiliatedmonitors.com
  • Mike Volkov– One of the top FCPA commentators and practitioners around and the Chief Executive Officer of The Volkov Law Group, LLC. Volkov can be reached at mvolkov@volkovlawgroup.com.
  • Matt Kelly– Founder and CEO of Radical Compliance. Kelly can be reached at mkelly@radicalcompliance.com
  • Jonathan Armstrong–is our UK colleague, who is an experienced lawyer with Cordery in London. Armstrong can be reached at armstrong@corderycompliance.com
  • Sarah Hadden– the newest addition to our panel. Sarah is the Publisher at Corporate Compliance Insights. Hadden can be reached at Sarah@corporatecomplianceinsights.com

The host and producer (and sometime panelist) of Everything Compliance is Tom Fox the Compliance Evangelist. Everything Compliance is a part of the Compliance Podcast Network.
For additional reading, check out the follow resources:
Matt Kelly’s blog post, Three Ideas on Codes, Policies, and Tech in Radical Compliance.
For additional reading on the 3 top FCPA cases and how they were handled under the FCPA Corporate Enforcement policy, see Tom’s blog post FCPA Enforcement Going Forwardin the FCPA Compliance Report.
Jay Rosen’s article How to Reposition Compliance as a Revenue Generator on Corporate Compliance Insights.

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