Everything Compliance-Shout Outs and Rants from Episode 102

Welcome to our fan-favorite Shout Outs and Rants.

  1. Matt Kelly rants about the LIV exhibit golf tour and the insane amount of money being spent by Saudi Arabia to rehabilitate its reputation through sports.
  2. Jonathan Marks shouts out SEC Chairman Gary Gensler on the 20th anniversary of the enactment of SOX.
  3. Tom Fox shouts out to Vin Scully, the former play-by-play announcer for the Los Angeles Dodgers.
  4. Jay Rosen shouts out to Celtic great Bill Russell, who died this week.

The members of Everything Compliance are:

  • Jay Rosen– Jay is Vice President, Business Development Corporate Monitoring at Affiliated Monitors. Rosen can be reached at JRosen@affiliatedmonitors.com
  • Karen Woody – One of the top academic experts on the SEC. Woody can be reached at kwoody@wlu.edu
  • Matt Kelly – Founder and CEO of Radical Compliance. Kelly can be reached at mkelly@radicalcompliance.com.
  • Jonathan Armstrong is our UK colleague, an experienced data privacy/data protection lawyer with Cordery in London. Armstrong can be reached at armstrong@corderycompliance.com.
  • Jonathan Marks is Partner, Firm Practice Leader – Global Forensic, Compliance & Integrity Services at Baker Tilly. Marks can be reached at marks@bakertilly.com.

The host and producer, ranter (and sometime panelist) of Everything Compliance is Tom Fox, the Voice of Compliance. He can be reached at tfox@tfoxlaw.com. Everything Compliance is a part of the Compliance Podcast Network.

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